
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Ep. 1335: What Is the Broad Road to Destruction? (LIstener Q&A Series)
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Jesus plainly taught that the vast majority of humanity is traveling on the "broad road that leads to destruction." Further he taught that there is a narrow way that leads to life, which is only found by few. For anyone who truly cares about humanity, this can be a very troubling thought. Why would God, the Creator of All Things, set up a plan that's such a losing proposition? Was Jesus really saying there are only a few who will ultimately be saved? If true, then what about all those scriptures that say Jesus died for ALL? If this is not the true understanding, then what does this "broad road to destruction" actually refer to? Fortunately, this can all get sorted out by putting several pieces of biblical reasoning together.

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Ep. 1334: Are Monitoring Spirits Watching Us?
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Theme Scripture: Ephesians 6:12
Our world can be confusing and scary. Sometimes it’s hard to know what is true, and sometimes it’s hard to know who to trust. For Christians, coping with this uncertainty should always come down to God’s word. What principles are we given in Scripture that will shine the sure light of truth on whatever dilemma we perceive to be in our way? Some Christian groups have taken to label much of the rampant darkness of our world as the work of “monitoring spirits.” The suggestion here is that these spirits are firmly connected to Satan, and their work is overwhelmingly focused on spying on and disrupting the lives of Jesus’ followers. As we look into this belief, we will ask the same question we always ask: what scriptural basis is there for these conclusions?

Tuesday May 14, 2024
Ep. 1333: Should Christians Fast?
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Theme Scripture: Acts 14:23
Fasting is a practice that has endured for thousands of years. Fasting appears often in the Bible. Among other things, it is used as a tool of focus, an expression of grief and a sign of humility. What seemed to have been a common occurrence in ancient days has now become far less mainstream. So, do all of the biblical references to fasting in both the Old and New Testaments mean we as Christians should be engaging in this practice regularly? If we should be participating, what circumstances bring on appropriate times to fast? Just as importantly, how should we fast? Are there time frames that should be kept? What about drinking water during a fast - is that appropriate? So many questions! Fortunately, the Bible gives us many practical answers, and some are VERY surprising!

Tuesday May 07, 2024
Ep. 1332: Am I Too Cynical or Not Cynical Enough?
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Theme Scripture: John 1:46
Our world is such a cynical place. Sometimes it feels like every time you turn a corner, you’re met with frustration, unrest and a lack of trust. Because we have so many platforms through which we can speak, we do. When we speak, our words and sentiments are often full of accusation and vitriol. We harshly address “those people.” You know the ones. "Those people" on the other side of this or that issue whom we often label as uneducated or ignorant, as members of the wrong party, wrong belief system, wrong ethnicity or wrong culture. We speak to be heard, and we neglect speaking so others will listen. We are cynical, and this cynicism is to the detriment of all. As Christians, we should NOT participate in this damaging interpretation of free speech. So, is it possible to be cynical in a positive way?

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Ep. 1331: Is the New Covenant Different From Gods Other Covenants?
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Theme Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-32
In Part I, we talked about the great power of the solemn promises in the Bible called covenants. We observed how God had made several of these solemn promises, and that several are specifically labeled as “everlasting covenants.” As we look at Bible history, we can see that all of God’s promises have already been made and are already functioning - except for one. This one promise yet to be unfolded is the “New Covenant.” While this promise is clearly defined in Jeremiah, it is alluded to in several other books of the Bible. So, is the only difference between this New Covenant and God’s other promises the fact that it is yet coming, or are there more pieces to this puzzle?

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Ep. 1330: Do the Covenants of God All Last Forever?
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Theme Scripture: Genesis 17:7
As Christians, we take great comfort in knowing that God is a God of unfathomable wisdom and integrity. We may be faced with things in life we never saw coming, but God is never caught off guard. With His foresight and eternal wisdom, He is not only prepared for anything, but He has preplanned for everything. God is also always as good as His word. He does not make a promise and then haphazardly decides not to keep it. In the Bible, covenants are really solemn promises. Throughout Scripture, God has made many of these promises with the description of being “eternal.” One such covenant was the Law given to Moses. It seems the Law was described as everlasting, and yet the New Testament tells us it loses its validity. Did God change His mind?

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Ep. 1329: How Can We Become Influencers? (Part II)
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Theme Scripture: Hebrews 12:3
In Part I of our two-part conversation about influence, we began to uncover just how broadly and how deeply the power of influence runs. In our world today, influence has taken on a new - and in some ways even more significant meaning - than ever before. Now because we have social media, we have created a space for influencers to arise within our midst. Sometimes these individuals appear on the scene from very unlikely backgrounds. The vast majority of the most popular of these influencers have been given our attention because they are famous. Curiously, much of their influence is not based on the expertise that was required to master their craft. Because influence happens all of the time at all different levels, our big question now is, how can we become more effective influencers in our everyday lives?

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Ep 1328: How Can We Become Influencers? (Part I)
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Theme Scripture: Hebrews 12:3
Influence. We are all touched by it in countless ways and countless times each and every day of our lives. Influence comes from all corners of life. If we are partial to someone, we generally accept their influence positively. If we are at odds with someone, we generally look down upon their influence. Either way, they influence us. Influence comes from advertising and social media. It comes from politicians and educators. It comes from books, movies and shows. It comes from those who enforce and those who break the law. It comes from our superiors, our peers and our subordinates. Influence has become such a central factor in our world that we now focus on and follow those we call influencers! To have influence is to have power. To have power is to have control. And to have control can easily bring the manipulation and domination of others

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Ep. !327: If Jesus' Resurrection Saved the World, Why Is It Such a Mess?
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Theme Scripture: Romans 8:20-21
Let’s begin by stating the obvious: the world is a mess! Now, we all know the world has been a mess for a very long time, so the question is, is this even news? The answer is yes, it is! Our present-day mess has everything to do with the ability to be connected with as many perspectives on and interpretations of truth as we would like. We can now easily and often categorize, judge or ignore anything and everything that doesn't fit into our personal world view. All of this brings us to a place where we effortlessly define good and evil according to preference and not principle. We believe Jesus died and was raised to redeem the world from sin, and yet, we are now so much further from godly principles than ever before. How can we harmonize these seemingly conflicting thoughts?

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Ep. 1326: Is Mourning Out Loud Over Our Losses Good for Us?
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Theme Scripture: Nehemiah 1:4
Everyone experiences loss in their lives in one way or another. How we attempt to cope with those losses depends upon several things. First, the kind of loss we are facing can dictate whether our response to it is mild, strong or severe. Second, our cultural environment offers up expectations as to how our mild strong or severe responses are to be displayed. In biblical days, grieving over difficult losses was often displayed in a very outward, very public manner. The Bible is full of examples of such public crying, wailing, renting of clothes and despair. For many of us in our present-day mindset, these things may seem to be over-the-top and too dramatic. Actually, when we seek to understand all of this lamenting, we find very strong lessons of faith, growth and acceptance.