Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Ep. 1357: Should Christians Be Involved in Exorcisms?
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Theme Scripture: Matthew 10:7-8
Demons are scary. Not only are they mysterious, but they are also powerful beyond our human capacity. In our last episode, we mentioned scriptures that assure us they are restrained in “chains of darkness.” While this condition does limit them, they can still exert great influence on our world - and on individuals as well. We know Jesus cast many demons out of many people and some of his followers were able to do the same. The big question here has to do with whether or not such power and authority is still present within Christianity. Are we supposed to be casting out demons today? If so, who is supposed to be doing this and what scriptural instruction have we been given to follow?
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Ep. 1356 Are There Different Kinds of Eviil Spirits?
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Theme Scripture: Matthew 4:24
The world is such a confused place. For many, discussing evil spirits is fascinating, as looking into dark mysteries beyond our world can be a thrilling and adrenaline-packed ride. For Christians, such conversations are entered into with fear and respect, as we are speaking of dark and evil things beyond our realm and understanding. It is therefore with caution that we approach this subject. The Bible clearly teaches us that demons do exist, and they are opposed to God and His righteousness. Further, we know this topic is far too easily glorified and dramatized. The specific focus of our present conversation will be to better understand how the Bible defines and separates demonic possession and influence from the serious mental health challenges that are so prevalent today.
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Ep. 1355: Why Didn't Paul Preach in Asia?
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Theme Scripture: Acts 16:6
When we read the Bible, it sometimes appears to say things that just don’t make sense. Think about the scripture that plainly says God did not want the Apostle Paul to preach the gospel in Asia. Why not? Jesus told his disciples to preach the word throughout the world. Didn’t Asia count? This apparent discrepancy can stimulate all kinds of questions and even provoke doubt as to the equity of God’s character. The good news is, the answer to all of this is not only sensible, but also profound and inspiring as well. When we understand the lay of the land, the literal geography of the area and the big picture of the mission the disciples were given, a whole new conclusion emerges.
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Ep. 1354: What Does It Mean to Have Christ in You?
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Theme Scripture: Colossians 1:26-27
By definition, being a Christian is all about following in Jesus’ footsteps. It’s all about learning how to walk the walk and talk the talk that he himself lived. Of course, this is no easy task, as we are challenged with applying the life lessons he taught us 2,000 years ago to the very different lives we live in our present digital age. As different as all of this is, some things are very much the same. Jesus’ promise to prepare a place for his true disciples in heaven is the same. His assurance that God’s spirit would guide us is the same. His alerting us to the trials that come to us because we follow him is the same. Having Christ in us producing the hope of glory is the same. So, what does it mean to have "Christ in you"? Is this an automatic thing that happens when we believe, or is it the end result of a long journey of growth?
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Ep. 1353: Is It Ever Okay for Christians to LIe?
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Theme Scripture: Proverbs 12:18-19
“Tell the truth!” For many of us, we can recall that strongly stated advice as coming from our parents when we were caught doing or saying something that we shouldn’t have. The immediate dilemma was obvious. If I tell the truth, then I’m going to get in trouble. If I lie or just tell a part of the truth, I may get away with it. But what if they found out I lied? Then I might be in even more trouble! While we as adults may look back upon such dilemmas and smile, the reality is, we as Christians must always be on our guard to practice being truthful and having integrity every day and in every way. What does this mean? How are we supposed to handle the countless compromising circumstances of life where half-truths and exaggeration come into play? And what about little white lies?
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Ep. 1352: What Does "The Smoke of Their Torment Rising Up Forever" Really Meant?
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Theme Scripture: Revelation 14:11
To many Christians, the fear of an eternal place of torment for unbelievers is very real. In the first four parts of this Hellfire Series, we addressed many of the sources of these fears one at a time. What we have seen is straightforward. First, the concept of "unquenchable fire" comes from the Old Testament and simply means a fire of destruction that burns until its work is done. Second, “weeping and gnashing of teeth” refers to deep regret on the part of those who should know better and has nothing to do with flames and torture. Third, the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus is just that. It is a parable that demonstrates the unfaithfulness of the Jewish nation when they rejected Jesus. Fourth, history plainly reveals the origin of torture and flames in an afterlife comes from pagan origins and is not at all biblical. Finally, here we are looking at the Book of Revelation. Do its graphic statements fit in with all that we have previously discovered? Absolutely!
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Ep. 1351: What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part II) God-Driven Direction
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Theme Scripture: Proverbs 2:6-7
Morality can be a tricky thing. For the most part, humans do want to behave in a moral fashion. The tricky thing is figuring out how to actually define what qualifies as "moral behavior" and what does not. As Christians, this task of defining is supposed to be easier than for most, because we have God’s word as our clear foundation for our moral principles. I say "It’s supposed to be easier" because Christianity has demonstrated for thousands of years that claiming the name of Christ is far from a guarantee of moral behavior. So, what are we supposed to do with this? How do we take what God has clearly given us in His word and live it daily? How do we handle it when fellow Christians see aspects of God’s moral principles in a different light than we do?
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Ep. 1350: What Defines Moral Behavior? (Part I) Personal Choices
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Theme Scripture: Proverbs 2:6-7
To be moral is to conform to a standard of right behavior. Ideally, to be moral is to stand for principles and actions that are positive and contributory to the world in which we live. This sounds great. It sounds like something we would all (with the exception of those who just don’t care) want to live by. However, there is a problem. Who defines what is moral and what is not? Upon whose proclamation do we decide whether someone is acting in a positive and contributory way or in a way that is destructive? Outside of the laws of the land we live in, each of us for the most part has the capacity to develop a personal moral code. The big question is, do we each define that moral code based on personal experience and preference, or do we define it by what we would consider to be higher guidelines?
Wednesday Sep 04, 2024
Ep. 1349: Why Did Jesus Need to Learn Obedience?
Wednesday Sep 04, 2024
Wednesday Sep 04, 2024
Theme Scripture: Hebrews 5:8
Jesus is Lord. He sits at the right hand of the throne of God, which is the position of highest power and authority in ALL of God’s glorious creation. This position was not thoughtlessly given. It was awarded to Jesus because his loyalty to and reverence for the heavenly Father were and are without equal. This position of unfathomable power and glory was attained by Jesus as a result of his willing submission to a grueling test of loyalty. This test was not only unique, but it was also profoundly necessary for the good of God’s angelic creation, as well as for the future of the entire human race. This test required Jesus to experience change, hardship and uncertainty. It required him to learn, adapt and grow while always being exactly on target with fulfilling God’s will. So, how did he do this?
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Ep. 1348: Why Is Jesus Called the Bread of Life?
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Theme Scripture: John 6:35
When Jesus taught, he made many profound and life-changing statements. Here we are thousands of years later, appreciating how what he said can daily lift us up and inspire us. As beautiful as this is, it only scratches the surface. Our theme scripture is a classic example of this. It is awe-inspiring to know Jesus is the "bread of life" that vanquishes hunger for all who truly follow him. Now let’s think more deeply. Let’s ask why. Why did Jesus say this? What was the deeper meaning that not only inspires but transforms our lives? Let’s check the context. The scriptures preceding this saying, tell us Passover was coming. In Jewish culture, this time of year brought anticipation for remembering the greatest deliverance in Israel’s history. Jesus would capitalize on this and show them something even greater.