Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Ep. 1347: Did s Belief in Hell Always Exist?
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Theme Scripture: Genesis 2:16-17
The subject of eternal torment can be volatile, as there are so many variations in its explanations. Aside from all of the questions and debates regarding the interpretation of Scripture, there’s one fundamental question that often gets overlooked: If a hell of torment is the ultimate consequence of sin, did God’s people always know that? Think about the power of this question. For the many Christians who see the eternal torture of hell as a deterrent from sin, wouldn’t God in His justice have given all of His people through all of history ample knowledge of this overwhelming consequence? Is the doctrine of eternal torment plainly revealed throughout the whole Bible? When do we see this teaching revealed in any ancient pagan belief systems? What is the origin of hellfire?
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
The teaching of a burning hell as the end result for those who reject Jesus is widely accepted in many Christian circles. Our emphatic belief is that this teaching is not based on the Bible, but rather on traditions that have misinterpreted what the Bible teaches. In the first two parts of our series, we addressed what “unquenchable fire” in Scripture does and does not mean, as well as how to understand the true meaning of “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Here in Part III, we examine what Jesus meant in his teaching about the Rich Man and Lazarus. Of all the verses in the Bible, some of the descriptions in this teaching can most easily be accepted as supporting being consciously tortured in flames. So, what’s the answer? Can being “tormented in this flame” be clearly and biblically explained?
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Ep. 1345: Should Chrisitians Be Politically Driven?
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Theme Scripture: John 18:36
The world of politics IS our world. It is incredibly difficult to go through a typical day of interactions and online activity without being BOMBARDED with some form of political activism or opinion or outrage. With political victory comes power, and with power comes authority. With authority comes the ability to shape the lives and directions of the masses. Because of where we are in the stream of time, the grip of politics is not likely to let up at all. On the contrary, it is likely to grow and dominate. So, what is our role as Christians? Should we apply ourselves to get involved so we can bring sound thinking, righteousness and integrity to the process for the greater good of all people? Or should we stay away from the whole process, knowing it is ultimately going to fall apart anyway?
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Ep. 1344: Should Christians Expect to Be Healed?
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Theme Scripture: Matthew 12:14-15
If you look at any cross-section of our present-day society, you will find that most of humanity suffers from physical or emotional maladies of one kind or another. It doesn’t matter what people’s belief systems are, suffering is universal. Who amongst us wouldn’t want to have some of that suffering taken away in a miraculous fashion? Who wouldn’t want their arthritis healed or their cancer cured, or their hearing or eyesight restored? The Christian teaching of faith healing some groups of Christians adhere to can be a very attractive and exciting proposition. If I have enough faith, and if I go and see this or that preacher who can wield the power, praise God, I can have relief! As attractive as this might be, we need to ask the fundamental questions. Is this what Jesus taught? If not, what do we do with it?
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Ep. 1343: What Does Being a Good Samaritan Really Mean?
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Theme Scripture: Luke 10:33-34
Most people know something about the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The core thought that is well-known is the concept of helping a total stranger in a time of their great physical need. Think about it, there are laws in place to protect those who engage in helping strangers in case something goes wrong, called "Good Samaritan laws." There are organizations in place to promote these kinds of acts of brotherly kindness. There are ministries and hospitals that bear this name. As wonderful as all this is, the message Jesus was giving when he spoke this parable is far deeper. The bottom line is, if we work on understanding and actually applying his true message, we will learn to become not only true neighbors, but we will also grow to be that much closer to the image of Christ.
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Theme Scripture: Matthew 8:12
In Part I, we looked into what Jesus really meant when he talked about “hell" and "unquenchable fire.” Gehenna, the Greek word Jesus used for “hell,” describes a valley in which horrible acts of idolatry occurred. God proclaimed this valley would be known as a valley of slaughter, a valley that would symbolize utter destruction. Further, we discovered that when Jesus spoke of “unquenchable fire,” he was referring to Old Testament fires of destruction that would burn until there was nothing left to be consumed. While these realizations take the eternal torture and flames out of the concept of hell, we still have other words of Jesus to consider. What about all of the times that Jesus said some would experience “weeping and gnashing of teeth”? What was he describing?
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Theme Scripture: Mark 9:47-48
To the critical observer, modern Christianity is confusing as we have countless denominations and their countless ways of interpreting Scripture. These widely varied interpretations give birth to widely varied traditions that support those interpretations. As a major subset of this, we have wide discrepancies regarding the destiny of unbelievers. Several times, Jesus plainly taught about the consequences of hell. The enormous question that needs answering is, did he teach hell was a place of agonizing and eternal torture from which there is no escape, or were his several references to hell pointing to a very different meaning? Today’s focus will be on the primary New Testament word Jesus used to describe hell. If we understand the word and its context, we will understand Jesus’ meaning.
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Ep. 1340: How Can I Get People to Listen When I Speak?
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Theme Scripture: Hebrews 10:23
Everyone wants to be heard. Being heard is not only an acknowledgment of our existence but also confirms our value. Being listened to helps us find a place of significance in whatever social order we happen to be engaging in. To be heard - to be truly paid attention to - is to be recognized as the individual you are. Because so much rides on our ability to be heard, how do we enhance that ability? How do we better place ourselves in this position of mutual respect and contribution? Do we speak louder? Do we elevate our passion, or raise our voice or talk faster? Many of us likely have little to no idea how to enhance this ability of communication, and what we think we know are in many cases backwards. As we look at this question through the eyes of biblical principles, the answers will become obvious!
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Ep. 1339: Do My Habits Glorify God? (Part II) Social Habits
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Theme Scripture: Romans 8:5
Habits are BIG! In many ways, habits - whether they are good or bad for us - dominate our lives. The odd thing is we are not even generally aware of how deeply rooted they are and how much control they really have. In Part I of our 2-part habits series, we looked into the habits that define our personal lives, those things we do that may or may not impact those around us. In this episode, we look into the habits that define our public lives, those things we do when others are watching or engaging. The science of habits tells us the human brain is capable of being rewired through our conscious efforts. While this truth might be surprising, it also offers us a foundation for change. The Christian question here is, do I present myself in public in a way that brings glory to God, or do I have work to do? How are my social habits?
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Ep. 1338: Do My Habits Glorify God? (Part I) Personal Habits
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Theme Scripture: Romans 8:5
Human beings are undeniably creatures of habit. Let me dramatically oversimplify the whole habit thing for a moment to make a point. Habits are formed as tools to bring us comfort, reward and what we believe we want in life. Little kids test this all the time. A child with a very focused mind wants to do things their own way. Instead of listening, they argue and even rebel because doing it their way is what they find the greatest reward in. Another perhaps less stubborn child will fight and argue for their own way and then back off because their parent’s approval or recognition gives them a greater reward. This oversimplified comparison helps us see that our human habits are ultimately self-driven. How do we as Christians deal with all of this? What habits should be changed or left alone?